Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

I failed to hug you, Porcupine

8 Oktober 2010

There is something need not to be asked.
Because there is nothing explanation about it.

There is something need not to be understood today.
Because understanding is not always come everyday.

There is something need not to be finished.
Because there is never been started.

And sometimes.
Silent can be a best choice.
Better than broke what we already have today.

I failed to hug you, Porcupine.
I'm sory for always disturb you.
I'm sory for one of my big fault.
I don't want to do it, anymore.
Keep my promise.

I just realized that I'm not strong enough to do that.
You're too sharp to be hug.
And it's too hurt to be felt.

But, thank you Porcupine.
To let me back to my blog :)

*Thanks God to realized me that is not a right way to understand Your plan.

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Tuti, sama banget........
Udah berbulan-bulan vakum dari Blog.
Welcome to our world again ya!
Miss you my bestbestbest! :*

Dila.Dila mengatakan...

tetuti, maaf klo komennya ga nyambung
abis "to" harus verb 1 teh..
*kena sindrom kelas XII*

tetep semangat ya tetuti :)

Annisa Dwi Astuti mengatakan...

@icha : welcome home sayang :D hahaha, kangen gak yaaa? hehehe, miss u always :D

@dila : hoho, gapapa kok sayang, makasih banyak malah udah dikoreksi :D hahaha, biasa sok2an pake bahasa inggris tapi grammar berantakan, hahaha :P nanti2 kalau ada yang salah koreksi lagi aja ya dil :) semangat buat kehidupan kelas XII nya ya sayang :)